outdoor sign

Signage should always be a key consideration when starting or running any kind of business as it’s an effective way to brand and market your services.

Quality signs are a proven way to increase footfall and build brand awareness. If you rely on footfall, it can be the difference between somebody walking in or walking past your premises, and has the power to contribute to your profit margin and continued success.

Therefore, it’s essential that you invest in good signage in order to stand out from your competitors. Here are our top reasons why signs are vital businesses:

Improve brand exposure

Signs are one of the most effective ways of reinforcing your brand identity, which consists of brand name, logo, symbols, packaging, product or service. Good quality business signage will help to portray your brand identity and increase your brand exposure, helping to differentiate your business from the competition.

For businesses looking to grow, brand loyalty and the resulting repeat business is essential. It is known that people are more likely to buy from a brand they are familiar with, so making sure you keep your signage consistent means people will trust the familiarity of it and you’ll benefit from a higher chance of repeat business as well as new customer acquisition.

Increase sales and reputation

All signs have the potential to boost sales for your business but different types of signage can affect sales in different ways.

If you have an eye-catching and inviting outdoor sign this could increase your footfall if you work in retail for example. Equally, signs can also be crucial in conveying specific information to your customers/clients.

Depending on your services, you could include offers and incentives to enter your shop or offices to encourage new business. Once achieved, you can enhance your reputation by asking new customers to leave you online reviews – the new word of mouth.

Return on investment

Signage, although you may need to make a considerable investment at first, is one of the most cost-effective marketing strategies and has a great ROI. Once your signage is installed there are no further costs and it will advertise your company 24/7. Whether interior or exterior, your signs will work all year round and this makes them a worthy investment.

If you want to find out more about the type of signage you could use to market your small business, get in touch. We offer both indoor and outdoor signs for many different purposes and are happy to discuss your requirements with you to make sure you get the right solution for your business.

Posted in indoor signs, Outdoor Signs.